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college commitees

College Development Committee

1. Shri Bapusaheb Deepak P. Patil Chairperson
2. Shri.Jagdish G. Patil Member
3. Smt. Kamaltai P. Patil Member
4. Prof. M. N. Patil Member
5. Shri. Mayur Dipak Patil Member
6. Prof. Vinod S. Mahajan Co-Ordinator (IQAC)
7. Prof. Ravindra S. Patil Member
8. Dr. N. J. Patil Secretary
9. Prof. Bharat R. Patil Member
10. Prof. Kishor N. Patil Member
11. Dr. C. P. Patel Member
12. Prof. Hemant G. Patil Member
13. Prof. Smt. K. A. Patel Member
14. Shri Ramakant S. Patil Member
15. Student Council (UR) Member
16. Student Council (LR) Member

Academic advisory body

1. Prof. M.N. Patil Coordinator & Technical Director
2. Dr. N.J.Patil Principal
3. Prof. B.R. Patil Head (Instrumentation Department)
4. Dr. C. P. Patel Head (Civil Department)
5. Prof. H.G. Patil Head (Mechanical Department)
6. Prof. V. K. Patil Head (E & TC Department)
7. Prof. V.S. Mahajan Head (Computer Department)
8. Prof. Smt. K. A. Patel Head (Electrical Department)
9. Mr. Bharat R. Patil Office Superintendent

Women’s Grievance Cell

In order to maintain safety and security to the girls and women, a cell has been constituted for redressal of grievances. Our women grievance cell stays alert all the time to prevent any sexual abuse towards the students and female workers. If the students face any harassment from the staff or workers, then they can complain at our women grievance cell. The members will look into the issues, gather the evidence, and take the necessary action against the guilty. We also focus on preventing this kind of harassment by using secret monitory services, which keep a keen eye on the entire campus.

This cell is meant for maintaining the records of grievances, actions taken thereon and settlement of grievances. The cell is headed by the Principal, consisting of administrative officer and six lady faculty members. The grievance box is placed in the girl’s waiting rooms where students have to drop their grievances, if any. The box is opened once in a month and checked. Any grievance found in it is scrutinized and necessary actions are immediately taken by the Cell. In case of emergency, the Principal calls a meeting and addresses the problems immediately. During the last two years the cell is is resolving the difficulties of the girl students ‘grievances. It was settled amicably


1. Prof. Smt. K. A. Patel Chairman
2. Prof. Mrs. J. H. Patil Member
3. Prof. Ms. Priyanka B. Sonar Member
4. Prof. Ms. Riya M. Rokade Member
5. Mrs. Usha C. Patil Member
6. Prof. V. K. Patil Member
7. Prof. R. S. Patil Member
8. Ms. Yukta Rushikesh Patil Students Member
9. Ms. Hansa Dilip Patil Students Member
10. Mr. Nitanshu Kiran Chaudhari Students Member


  • Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student;
  • Indulging in rowdy or indiscipline activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student;
  • Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student;
  • Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or fresher;
  • Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
  • Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students;
  • Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person;
  • Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfort to fresher or any other student;
  • Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student. "


1. Prof. Dr. N. J. Patil Chairman
2. Dr. C. P. Patel Member
3. Prof. B. R. Patil Member
4. Prof. R.S.Patil Member & Rector ( Boy's Hostel )
5. Prof. Bhushan Aloni Member
6. Prof. smt. K.A.Patel Member
7. Prof. Geeta Chaudhari Member & Rector ( Girls Hostel )
8. Shri. Bharat R. Patil Office Superintendent
9. Shri Netradipak Kuwar Local Media Representative
10. Shri. Kiran Yadav Chaudhari Parent
11. Civil & Police Administration Shahada --
12. Shri. P. K. Anna Patil Foundation, Shahada Non-Govt. Organisation
13. Mr. Pawar Bhavesh Ramesh Fresher Student
14. Ms. Patil Tejal Hiralal Fresher Student
15. Mr. Vispute Himanshu Rajendra Senior Student
16. Ms Patil Urvi Rajendra Senior Student

Students Grievance Redressal Cell

The objective of the students Grievance Redressal Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the DNPCOE campus. Students Grievance Redressal Cell has been constituted for the redressal of the problems reported by the students in Institution with the following functions:

  • Redressal of Student’s Grievances.
  • To co-ordinate between students’ and department to redress the grievances.
  • To support the students who have been deprived of the services for which he/she is entiltled.
  • To ensure effective solution to the student grievances with an impartial and fair approach.
  • To make teaching and supporting staff responsive, accountable courteous in dealing with the students.


1. Prof. Smt. K. A. Patel Chairman
2. Prof. Mrs. J. H. Patil Member
3. Smt. Usha C. Patil Member
4. Prof. Shezad H. Shaikh Member
5. Prof. V. K. Patil Member
6. Prof. R. S. Patil Member
7. Ms. Yukta Rushikesh Patil Students Member
8. Ms. Hansa Dilip Patil Students Member
9. Mr. Nitanshu Kiran Chaudhari Students Member

Employees Grievance Redressal Committee

1. Dr. N.J.Patil Principal & Chairman
2. Dr. C. P. Patel Head (Civil Department)
3. Prof. B.R.Patil Head (Instrumentation Department)
4. Prof. H.G. Patil Head (Mechanical Department)
5. Prof. V. K. Patil Head (E & TC Department)
6. Prof. V.S. Mahajan Head (Computer Department)
7. Prof. smt. K. A. Patel Head (Electrical Department)
8. Prof. R. S. Patil Member
8. Mr. Bharat R. Patil Member

Environmental Committee

  • Arrange plants and get it planted.
  • To take care of plants with the help of students & staff
1. Prof. P. B. Patil Chairman
2. Prof. I. T. Patil Member
3. Prof. G. A. Chaudhari Member
4. Prof. Milind J. Patil Member
5. Prof. V. O. Patil Member
6. Prof. L.M.Kuwar Member
7. Dr. A. S. Patel Member
8. Prof. A. P. Chaudhari Member

Discipline Committee

  • To maintain discipline in the campus
  • Visit every corner of campus
  • To istruct student as per requirement
1. Prof. H.G. Patil Chairman
2. Prof. R.S. Patil Member
3. Prof. S.R. Patil Member
4. Prof. V. S. Mahajan Member
5. Prof. S.P. Patil Member
6. Prof. V.S. Kale Member
7. Prof. S.R. Patil Member
8. Shri Bharat R. Patil Member

Extra-Curricular Activity Committee

  • To plan various events & prepare schedule
  • Collect data of events performed by various department.
  • Get done various activities.
1. Prof. Prashant R. Patil Chairman
2. Prof. Mrs. J. H. Patil Member
3. Prof. D. B. Shukla Member
4. Prof. M. J. Patil Member
5. Prof. Umesh U. Patil. Member
6. Prof. Y. O. Patil Member
7. Prof. Prof . Parikshit S. Patil Member
8. Prof. Ms. Priyanka B. Sonar Member
9. Prof. Ms. Riya M. Rokade Member

Sexual Harassment,Girls Student Complaints & Grievance Committee

  • Arrange meetings with girls students periodically and solve the problems if any.
  • to visit girls hostel weekly or twice a month to discuss and solve the hostel related problems
1. Prof. Smt. K. A. Patel Chairman
2. Prof. Mrs. J. H. Patil Member
3. Prof. Ms. Priyanka B. Sonar Member
4. Prof. Ms. Riya M. Rokade Member
5. Mrs. Usha C. Patil Member
6. Prof. V. K. Patil Member
7. Prof. R. S. Patil Member
8. Ms. Yukta Rushikesh Patil Students Member
9. Ms. Hansa Dilip Patil Students Member
10. Mr. Nitanshu Kiran Chaudhari Students Member

Library Committee

  • Procure book, journals/magazines as per requirement of staff & students.
  • Get done the Digitalization.
1. Prof. B. R. Patil Chairman
2. Prof. C. P. Patel Member
3. Mrs. Prof. J. H. Patil Member
4. Prof. K. T. Patil Member
5. Prof. A. R. Patil Member
6. Shri. S. V. Kamble Member
7. Prof. Ms. Riya M. Rokade Member
8. Shri. S. S. Patil Member

Tour & Travel Committee

  • To arrange short & long tour department wise.
  • Keep the record of tours.
1. Dr. H. B. Patel Chairman
2. Prof. V. S. Mahajan Member
3. Prof. R. A. More Member
4. Prof. S. P. Patil Member
5. Prof. Pankaj R. Patil Member
6. Prof. N. C. Patil Member

Exam Committee

  • Arrange Mid Sem Exam.
  • Arrange sessional exam.
  • Arrange ESE.
  • Maintain the data of University examination Results
  • Result Analysis
1. Prof. S. J. Dahiwelkar Chairman
2. Prof. V. K. Patil Member
3. Prof. H. K. Chavan Member
4. Prof. A. R. Patil Member
5. Prof. Prashant R. Patil Member
6. Prof. Dr. A. S. Patil Member
7. Prof. Shezad. Shaikh Member

Training & Placement Committee

  • Arrange various training.
  • Invite Industries for Placement.
  • To keep contact with alumni.
  • Prepare record of alumni
1. Prof. R. S. Patil Chairman
2. Prof. H. K. Chavan Member
3. Prof. A. R. Patil Member
4. Prof. Vijay B. Nerkar Member
5. Prof. R. A. Shaikh Member
6. Prof. Juned Shaikh Member
7. Prof. A.I. Pathan Member
8. Prof. Y. O. Patil Member

Sports Committee

  • Arrange various sports activities of College & University.
  • Provide various facilities of sports to students
  • Procure Sports materials & arrange majority of events.
1. Prof. K. Y. Chaudhari Chairman & incharge Physical Director
2. Prof. R. A. More Member
3. Prof. V. O. Patil Member
4. Prof. N. D. Patel Member
5. Prof. U. U. Patil Member
6. Shri. P. M. Patel Member

Alumni Committee

  • To prepare list of alumni of each department & find out contact numbers & present employment with position.
  • To encourage Alumnies by telephonic talk to attend alumni meet which will be held in the year.
  • Inquiry & help regarding employment of our students.
1. Prof. R. S. Patil Chairman
2. Prof. C. P. Patel Member
3. Prof. S. J. Dahiwelkar Member
4. Prof. A. R. Patil Member
5. Prof. A. B. Koli Member
6. Shri. G. G. Bhadane Member
7. Prof. H. K. Chauhan Member
8. Prof. U. U. Patil Member
9. Prof. Prashant. R. Patil Member
10. Prof. Ashphak Khan Member
11. Prof. D. B. Shukla Member

Advertising Committee

  • Highlight all achievements of staff & student in all fields time to time.
  • Updating College website Day by Day .
1. Dr. H. B. Patel Chairman
2. Prof. V. O. Patil Member
3. Prof. A. P. Khan Member
4. Prof. V. S. Kale Member
5. Prof. K. Y. Chaoudhari Member
6. Shri. K. B. Chaudhari Member

Campus Cleaning Committee

  • Maintain Campus Clean time to time>
  • Maintain Departments Clean time to time.
  • Maintain Canteen Clean time to time.
1. Prof. K. Y. Chaudhari Chairman
2. Prof. V. S. Mahajan Member
3. Prof. P. B. Patil Member
4. Prof. C. C. Patil Member
5. Prof. Vikram J. Patel Member
6. Shri Bharat R. Patil Member

SC / ST Committee

  • Establishment of Committee for SC/ ST (As per the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, No. 33 OF 1989, dated11.09.1989).
  • Counseling & address the Grievances of SC / ST Students..
1. Dr. N. J. Patil Chairman
2. Prof. R. A. More Member
3. Prof. V. B. Nerkar Member
4. Prof. L. M. Kuwar Member
5. Prof. Mrs. J. H. Patil Member

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